New Internationalist(ニューインターナショナリスト)英語版 定期購読・最新号・バックナンバー

New Internationalist(ニューインターナショナリスト)英語版 定期購読・最新号・バックナンバー

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本・雑誌 New Internationalist(ニューインターナショナリスト)英語版
本・雑誌内容 1973年にイギリスで創刊された国際情報誌です。政治、社会、環境、人権など幅 広いテーマで世界の現実、草の根レベルの人々の声、解決に向けた動きを発信し ます。単に問題や課題だけでなく、より良い社会に向けて世界で、あるいは地域 で行われている取り組みや活動も紹介し、主流メディアの一歩先をいくオルタナ ティブを模索、提案しています。日本も含めた世界の将来が気になるという一般 の方から、最新の世界の動きや取り組みを知っておきたいという会社員、研究者、 教員、学生、NGO/NPO、ジャーナリストの方まで、幅広い方々にご活用いただいて います。
本・雑誌内容詳細 THE BIG STORY: South Africa 30 years later

Africa’s pandora’s box: The ICJ ruling shook the global establishment. In Cape Town and Johannesburg, could it pave the way for justice for Indigenous peoples?

All rise: South Africa’s constitution has allowed social movements to clockup a number of legal victories. But can the law really deliver social and economic justice?

Morbid symptoms: South Africa is losing its status as an upper-middle income developing country. What are the challenges this poses for a young democracy?

The metal that bent: When South Africa’s largest trade union broke with the ruling alliance, left-wingers saw cause for hope, but things soon turned sour.

When the lights go out: The ‘state capture’ of South Africa’s public services has seen billions sequestered by a new boss class as public services collapse.

Fortress nation: Xenophobia is on the rise in South Africa. What are the conditions in which vigilante groups gain ground?

Israel: Warring Words
Cyprus: Troops Out
Nepal: Tibetans betrayed
Malaysia’s invisible children
Europe: Digital rights now
El Salvador: Gold Rush
Introducing: Guilherme Boulos, Brazil’s heir to President Lula da Silva?

Country profile: Georgia
Cartoon History: Bay of Pigs
Temperature Check: reasons to be hopeful about tackling climate change.
The Interview: Indian author Amitav Ghosh discusses the colonial roots of today’s opioid crisis, with Graeme Green.
Agony Uncle: How can movement veterans share the benefits of their own experience without rubbing other activists up the wrong way?

Melony’s canny game: Italy’s far-right Prime Minister is cultivating international support as she enacts extremism at home.
Views from India, Africa, Brazil

’Strong beyond the world’s imagination’: In the face of Taliban rule, a spirit of feminist resistance lives on in Afghanistan.
The Long Read: The betrayal: the disconnect between public support for Palestine across the Arab region, and the diplomatic ties leaders have made with Israel.
’I will live with the scars for life’: the resurgence of leprosy in Nigeria.
プロダクトNo 1281680122
出版社 有限会社インティリンクス
発売日 毎偶月10日
定期購読公式サイトへ 公式サイトはこちら
